Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The countdown continues.

It's a bit of redundant title, since once a countdown is started, it will continue until the deadline is reached.  And when you know both the date of the deadline and the date of the start of the countdown, you can deduce - with considerable ease - whether or not the countdown is, in fact, continuing or not.

I could have just changed the title, I guess.

We have 10 weeks to go until Babyday.  It feels a long time off and extremely close depending on how we're going about phrasing it.

Two and a half months?  No problem.  Plenty of time to get a job sorted out, earn a little money, let my wifey nest a little.

Ten weeks?  Hmm...  I'll have to pick up a little speed if I'm going to get things done within a comfortable timeframe.

Seventy days?!  Huh.  I'm not sure I'll have enough time to think about getting a job before the kiddo arrives.

I guess I'll stick to the month-based countdowns for now.

I'm so excited, though.  I can't wait.

The Fairweathers.

Friday, June 28, 2013

New things.

It's been a very busy few weeks in the Fairweather house.  Last week we put down a holding fee on a flat about a mile away from us.  Really nice place.  This is what the outside looks like:

Yea.  It's a renovated church.  We can't wait.

In other news, Melly is still going strong in her jobs and I'm still going strong in my jobs and uni.  We're on a course at church right now that we need to be on.  It's the Commit course and it's for people who are wanting to state that they are part of the church and that they want to get involved, pretty much.  Although we've been there for three years (on and off (me for five)), we're on it and it's going well.

That's about it at the moment.  Church is great, life is great and God is great.

The Fairweathers.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Introduction and all things Fairweather.

I know that a lot of people have blogs, Youtube channels, Twitter accounts, Facebook pages and everything else for the purpose of keeping up to date with their families and friends - especially those who have family in other countries and for whom contact is sporadic.

This is such a blog.

You are all free to read it and find out what's going on in our lives should you wish to do so.  Our aim is to post updates about things that are going on in our lives.  A tiny news blog for the Fairweathers, if you will.

We're not going to be posting anything important here that we've not already told our closest family members and friends, but for extended family and people with whom we are in touch with on a smaller scale, this will serve as a what's up-date.  I just came up with that.

It's essentially everything you'll read on our Facebook pages but with a little more detail and probably more pictures.

If you're family or friends or just interested in what two strangers are up to right now, follow along and join us for the ride.  We'd love to have you with us.

For the purpose of clarity, Dan will probably post in bold and Melissa will more than likely post in italics.  Because it's more dainty and womanly.

Let's see how it goes!

The Fairweathers.